My First Visit To The Rome Temple: A Journey Of God's Perfect Time  

Roxanne Cubos

Hello! My name is Roxanne Cubos, my nationality is Filipino, but I work and live here in Romania. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

Recently, I had the honor and opportunity to be endowed, perform ordinances and visit the Rome Temple for the first time. This experience was a very spiritual journey and my relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ became stronger and tighter.  

The challenges before my endowment  

We all have different kinds of tests in our life. During the past few months, I went through some trials and temptations in my journey to prepare for the temple. It was not only a time of trial, but a test of my faith, and a test of my patience. 

I got a temple recommend three, yes three, different times before I finally got to Rome. It was not because I was not worthy, but because Heavenly Father had a beautiful plan for me that I never imagined.  

I want to share with you the story of why I had three temple recommends. 

The First and Second Temple Recommend 

I have always had a great desire to go to the temple. I have always tried to live to be worthy to go. Last October, I was going home to the Philippines for a vacation and I wanted to go to the temple while I was there. I had the interview for my recommend from my branch president and from the mission president and it all went well. I was so happy because I felt like my desire to go was finally being fulfilled. I would be able to go to the temple and receive my endowment at home in the Philippines. 

As my flight date approached, I was a little nervous because I still did not have my temple recommend in my hands. The day to leave got closer and closer and I still did not have the paper. I prayed and prayed with faith that Heavenly Father would make it work for me to get it in time. On the day of my flight, I was told that someone would get it to me in Bucharest, but a mix-up happened, and it was sent back to Ploiesti. I knew I did not have time to go back to Ploiesti to get it before my flight left. I told myself, “Rox, Heavenly Father has a plan. He knows you have the desire, and you know that you are worthy, don’t give up. It will work.” 

When I arrived in the Philippines, I messaged the mission president and asked what I could do. He helped me reach out to my branch president and stake president in the Philippines and with the help of all three of them I had more interviews and finally got a recommend in my hand! My heart was so full of happiness and gratitude! 

But the trials were not over. My days at home in the Philippines were limited and I knew that I had to make an appointment for the temple quickly. My brother was trying to make an appointment as well, but there were no spots available. I tried several times, but never found an available time. I was very sad and frustrated for a time, but then I decided that I needed to be positive in my thinking and remember that Heavenly Father did have a plan for me, and it would be a perfect plan, so I knew that I would go soon.  

A few months later, I learned that Elder and Sister Stewart, who were the Young Single Adult Missionaries were going to visit Ploiesti and wanted to meet with me. They told me that there would be a temple trip in July and that they would put me on the participants list to go on the trip. My heart was beating so fast, and my Spirit was jumping inside me because I was so happy, and I knew that I would finally get to go! 

I started to get ready to go on the trip and to prepare myself even more. I read scriptures, watched a lot of General Conference talks and some video guidelines for temple preparation and I took the temple preparation class. Sister Ana Mogos taught the class. She was amazing! She has a calling to work in the temple and when she taught the class, she guided us to learn so much. I knew my checklist was in order. I was worthy to enter the House of the Lord, I had my appointment at the temple, and I had my temple recommend and other documents ready. 

As we went through the class we were instructed to order our garments from the online store, I tried several times but could not make it work. 

The Third Recommend 

I asked Elder and Sister Frandsen, who were serving in my branch if they knew what was wrong and they figured out that again, there was something wrong with my recommend! I was really upset and crying wondering why this kept happening to me. Sister Frandsen told me something that gave me comfort and strength that I will never forget. She said, “The Lord is in charge, and he will help. We will get you to the temple in time.” 

I prayed a lot to Heavenly Father for help. I was praying silently during a lot of the next few days. Sister Frandsen talked to the branch president and the mission president about my situation, and I got more interviews just in time. Finally! I had my recommend and my appointment at the same time! 

I learned a lot on this part of my journey of preparation for the temple. I learned never to give up because Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will always help. I learned that Heavenly Father has the perfect plan and perfect purpose for our plan. I also learned that better things happen than you could ever expect.  

Roxanne Roxanne Cubos

The Temple Experience  

The first day we arrived in the temple, I looked up at the statue of Angel Moroni and thought, “This is the sign that I'm not dreaming, I am really in the Temple Rome!” I felt so warmly welcomed by Heavenly Father, it was like he was telling me that I was in the right place at the right time.  

That night I was so excited knowing that tomorrow would be my big day. When morning finally came, I knelt down to pray and thank Heavenly Father that I was finally here and that I could finally have my own endowment. It was a very precious spiritual gift to know that I was exactly where I was supposed to be at exactly the right time for me. 

After I received my endowment, I felt like a was a new person. My spirit felt stronger and I knew that I had learned more about myself. When I was in the temple, I just wanted to stay there all day, because it was so peaceful. I just wanted to spend all of my time performing ordinances for my ancestors that had patiently waited for my help. I was so glad to serve them in that way.  

One night during the trip Elder and Sister Curtis who are the Directors of the Rome Italy Visitors Center, gave a devotional and talked about the Rome temple; the importance being in the temple; and the promised blessing that come when we worship in the temple. They taught that time in the temple will help us to “think celestial” like President Nelson wants us to do.  They also said that in the temple we learn more about who we really are and how we can receive the fullness of the Holy Ghost in the temple; and explained that when we serve and worship in the House of the Lord, we receive personal revelation, greater faith, strength, comfort and increased knowledge and power to do what is right.  

I know now that regular temple worship really does improve the way we see ourselves and how we fit into God’s magnificent plan. Learning all of this changed me and made my heart so happy. 

On the last night of the trip, the President Toronto, the temple president, told us in another devotional about the dedication of the temple and stories about the Lord’s perfect plan and how we all have a purpose, and our job is to be in the right place at the right time. When I was listening to him, I knew again that I was in the right place at the right time.  

During this part of this journey in my life, there were a lot of people who helped me. I am so grateful for all the support and love that I received. I know that I am in the right place, and I know everything I went through had a purpose. I know that we should never give up and if we pray all or our prayers will be answered in God’s perfect way.  

In the journey of my three recommends, I gained a stronger testimony. I can testify that I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us unconditionally, and that they want what is best for us. I testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live, and I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on the face of the earth. I know prophet Russell M. Nelson is the true living prophet of God; I know Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for us; and I know the book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. I testify that all of these things are true, in the name of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ Amen.